Dr Jagoda Granić, from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Split, Croatia, is going to give three lectures as part of the CEEPUS academic exchange programme.
The lecture Sociofonetski pristup standardnim i nestandardnim idiomima will be held on Monday, 25 March, 09.45 – 11.15 in Belwederek.
Idealne govorne izvedbe: različiti koncepti, vrijednosti i stavovi is the name of the second lecture, which will be held on Tuesday, 26 March, 09. 45 – 11.15 in room 3.
The third lecture, named Multikultifobija vs. multikulturalizam: komunikacija ”zatvorenih vrata” vs. dijalog kultura, will be held on Wednesday, 27 March, 13.15 – 14.45 in Belwederek.
The lectures are held in Croatian language, as part of the class Praktyczna nauka języka chorwackiego (C1) and everyone interested in the mentioned topics is invited to attend the lectures.
About our guest
Dr Jagoda Granić is currently holding the position of Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split. As an active scientist, she published numerous papers regarding various topics related to theoretical and applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, psycholinguistics and phonetics. Language policy and language rights, multilingualism, multiculturalism and interculturalism, minority and majority languages, as well as linguistic identities are only some of the many topics tackled in her papers. Dr Granić was editor in chief of several monographs as well. She presented her papers at more than ninety international conferences and participated in ten scientific research projects (most of which were international). She has held lectures at numerous foreign universities, thus further fostering her scientific development. Dr Granić is member of diverse professional associations and scientific boards of scientific journals. It is, undoubtedly, worth mentioning that she was also President of the Croatian Applied Linguistics Society and is currently Head of the Centre for Croatian Studies Abroad at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split.